lg 55 inch oled price

LG 55-inch OLED TV panel slapped with $8,000 price tag | Ubergizmo.
LG curved-screen 55-inch OLED TV will cost you $13500 - WGGB.com.
LG taking preorders for its curved OLED TV - Crave - TVs - CNET Asia.
LG's curved 55-inch OLED TV now open for pre-orders -.
Apr 29, 2013. LG is now taking pre-orders for its 55-inch Curved OLED TV in South. even plasma, but a likelihood unless prices come down considerably.
lg 55 inch oled price
LG Reveals Pricing and Coming Availability for 55-Inch OLED TV.lg 55 inch oled price
LG 55-inch OLED TV first video and pictures | The Verge.LG 55-inch OLED TV ships in March will cost $12k - Guru3D.com.
Jan 2, 2013. LG will begin shipping its 55-inch 1080p (1920 x 1080 pixels) OLED television in February for a cool $10300.
Apr 30, 2013. The 55-inch LG curved OLED TV (model 55EA9800).. Unfortunately, both availability and pricing for other countries will only be announced .
Reuters reports that LG's 55-inch OLED has hit the retail market in South Korea for about $10,000 a pop. At that price, commissioning a container ship to carry .
LG 55-inch OLED TV tipped at $7900 - SlashGear.
LG's 55-inch OLED TV given UK release date of sorts | News.