normal heart rate per minute

Pulse - Tests, Test Results & Diagnosis - NY Times Health Information.
The normal heart rate for a toddler is around 70-80 per minute. So as you can see this is high. I don't know if that is dangerous but it should be checked out.
Normal resting heart rate for teens/adults is: 60 to 100 beats per minute.. Is a heart rate of 49 beats per minute healthy for a 20 year old?
Normal heart rate for adults age 18-55 is normally 60-100 beats per minute (bpm) depending on their activity level. For those adults that are .
The chart below shows the normal range of a resting heart rate (pulse rate after resting 10 minutes) in beats per minute, according to age.
What's the Deal With Heart Rate Recovery? - FitSugar.
How many heart beats per minute should a 27 year old male have.
How Many Times Does A Hedgehogs Heart Beat Per Minute -
normal heart rate per minute
normal heart rate per minute
How Many Times does Your Heartbeat in a Minute |
Is 94 heart beats per minute normal when resting? - Yahoo! Answers.
My resting heart rate is about 96 beats per minute. Is this.
What's a normal "beats per minute" for teenagers? - Yahoo! Answers.
The average human heart, beating at 72 beats per minute, will beat ... The rate of heartbeat varies enormously between different species, ranging from around .
Oct 15, 2012. Your heart rate, or pulse, is the number of times your heart beats per minute. Normal heart rate varies from person to person. Knowing yours .